Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Many hands make light work!

Hi all,

Week 2 of our project and what a success it was!  We cleared the site of all the shrubs and bulbs and the pupils and residents replanted all of these so that nothing was wasted.  The plants were moved to a new home and they are shown in the photos below.

The bulbs got a new home as well!

The pupils and residents got stuck in to getting the vegetable bed ready by weeding and clearing the remaining site.  Here is some of those involved hard at work.  Personally, I think some are having too much fun!

More workers!

Some residents and pupils were hard at  work making signs that we are going to varnish and get put into the garden.  I think they did a fantastic job!

We had a great day today and we are looking forward to next week when we will get planting our vegetable garden.  We need to decide what is suitable to plant at this time of year - so some homework for us for this week.

Below is some photos of the seeds that have germinated in my room this week.

Red Pepper Seeds Germinated.

Cherry Tomato seeds germinated.

I also have a photo below of the sign we made recently out of some wood and recycled bottle tops.  I like it and we think it is a eco-friendly sign for our club.  We used a glue gun to stick the bottle tops to the wood.

We also decorated a large wooden plant holder with these - but a word of warning - the frost does something to the glue and all the tops fell off.  It did look nice before the frost - here it is below (it is the coloured box sitting on the table):

Any suggestions of how we could keep the bottle tops on would be appreciated!
Anyway that is all for now,  will update next week after our next visit to The Brook.

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