Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Beach Litter Clean up in Portballintrae

Hi everyone,

we had a great day today out at Portballintrae.  We went on a beach litter clean-up outing with Jim Allen, the environmental officer from Coleraine Borough Council.  We picked up 14 full bags of litter.  We found loads of things that would be so dangerous to birds and sea animals.  We could not believe how much fishing tackle we found.  Other things that we found were:
  • lobster pot tags from Canada
  • a dead lamb
  • loads of shoes!  (we were wondering how you could leave your shoes on a beach!)
  • loads of ropes of all different sizes
  • drink tins
  • loads of plastic bottles/plastic buckets, etc
This is a picture of most of us who were there with our bags of rubbish.
    I think we did a great job today.  Well done everyone!! 
    Thanks also to the PIAS TEAM who very kindly had organised a BBQ for all the beach combers on their return.  That burger tasted really good.  It was a great way to end the day and year.  Thanks again!
    I have just put some photos from the launch in below.  We really had a great day that day.
    I think it is obvious that we had a great day of celebration of our new garden!!!!
    That is all for this term.  We will be back in September.  Thanks to Rebecca for agreeing to feed the fish over the summer. 
    We have lots of plans for next year so see you all then. 

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