Thursday, 25 March 2010

This week's update!

This week we planted the first plants out into our raised beds.  We planted onion sets and garlic bulbs. 
Interestingly, out of all the sweetcorn seeds we planted a couple of weeks ago, only one has grown into a plant.  Bizarre!!! They were all planted the same way and we just don't know what was different about that one.  Maybe the other ones are just slow starters!

We also went on a trip to St Colum's Park House in L'Derry today to an event organised by Children in Crossfire and Afri.  We had a great day on the theme of food poverty and how just one action can make a change for a more sustainable life for all of us.

We all gained a great deal from the day and hope that we all are able to undertake one action for positive change!  Ideas that we came up with were to buy fairtrade products so that we know the farmers have got a fair price.  Another one was to buy clothes that were ethically sourced.  These were changes that we felt we could do in the short term.

That's all for now,

Mrs Toman this week (we didn't have time on Tuesday for the pupils to do it as we were too busy planting!)

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