Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Fish have arrived!

Hi all,
lots happening today!

Rebecca and Amy who have been saving their 2p's and 1p's every monday with Mrs Toman for months went to the fish shop and got their 2 baby Koi fish today.  They are very cute and we loved putting them in to their new home.

In gardening club, another busy day:
  • planted up the flower baskets with strawberries and mint
  • sowed the pumpkin seeds and covered them so that the birds don't get them
  • weeded all the raised beds
  • staked the peas with bamboo canes and sowed more peas as a full row didn't come up so we think the birds got to them.  We have covered them this time so this might protect them!
  • planted chives
  • thinned out the letttuces - we ate the thinned out ones - they were yummy!!!
  • watered everything  - alot!!!!
Also our potatoes are coming through so this is good.

That is all for now - will update next week.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Weeding day today.

Hi all,

we were busy today with all the weeding in our vegetable patches.  They were also very dry so we had to water everything alot.

The lettuces that we planted last week under their little blanket are doing well.  It is interesting that the little lettuces that were well in under the blanket have grown more than the other ones that were more exposed.  We think the blanket therefore must have worked!

Our pond has got it's liner in and we will soon be able to fill it with water and then in a few weeks we should be able to add the fish.

Stephen has been busy and the rockery is finished with little plants growing in it.  It looks really nice.  We also got the wild grass seed in to sow our wild area and this has wildflowers in it so it should be nice.

That is all for now - will update next week.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Lettuces put to bed today!

Hi all,

we planted our tiny little lettuces outside today in rows in our raised bed vegetable patch. 

Apparentlty Mrs Nutt says that their is supposed to be a frost tonight so we had to put a vegetable blanket over our little lettuces so they don't get killed by the frost.

We also planted some broccoli seeds today straight out into the vegetable patch. 
Our peas are starting to come up but only 3 of our garlic plants are growing!  Ahh!!!!!!
Maybe they will grow soon.
Our sweetcorn is still growing tall.

Will keep you updated next week.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Spuds planted today!

Hello all,
another busy day at the gardening club.  We planted two rows of seed potatoes today.  Mrs Nutt says they should be ready to dig up in September at the start of the new year.
We also repotted our peppers into bigger pots and they seem to be thriving.  They will grow even quicker when our greenhouse is built in the next week or two.
We repotted our one and only sweetcorn into a bigger pot as well and this also looks to be doing well.
We watered our little trees that are in pots  - they were looking a little dry so we hope they will recover.  Mrs Toman says we can plant these out next week as it would be better for them to be in the ground as then they will not dry out.
The lettuce that we sowed in seed trays last week are growing well and should be ready to go into the ground next week.
That is all we got up to today.  Sorry no photos today as Mrs Toman forgot her camera.
Will update next week.